This glossary allows readers to learn terms specific to entrepreneurship, management, innovation and other fields of study.
These terms allow for an easier understanding and also allow readers to acquire a vocabulary compatible with the people they will meet during their entrepreneurial projects.
- 5 why
- Assets vs. liabilities
- B2B vs B2C (and C2C)
- Barriers to entry
- Benchmark
- Blue Ocean
- Brainstorm
- Break-even point
- Business angel
- Business introducer
- Business model
- Business Model Canvas
- Business pitch
- Business plan
- Cannibalize
- Competitive advantage
- Corporate culture
- Craft
- Creditor vs. debtor
- Crowdfunding
- Data
- Design Thinking
- Direct sales vs. network of integrators
- Disruption
- Economy of scale
- Entry ticket
- Environment/ecosystem
- Feedback
- Fixed costs vs. variable costs
- Freemium
- Green Tech
- Greenwashing
- Holistic
- Ideation
- Incubator
- In fine
- Inflation
- Investor round
- Lead user
- Lean management
- Lean Startup
- Legal statutes
- Love Money
- Macroeconomic vs. microeconomic
- Market equilibrium
- Market research
- Monopoly
- MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
- Networking
- Niche
- Open source
- Partner's agreement
- Patent
- Physical vs. moral identity
- Pivot
- Project owner
- Public company
- Push vs. Pull
- Quick and dirty
- Recession
- Risk averse
- Speculation
- Standardization
- Startup (or start-up)
- Stop motion
- Storytelling
- Supply and demand
- SWOT analysis
- Taylorism
- Turnover
- Turnover vs. profit
- Unicorn
- Value proposition
- Weak signals
- Workshop